Thursday, February 23, 2012


It was just another Friday night in Plattsburgh NY... EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT HxC BAND: 'ALL THE RAGE' WAS ROCKING THE FUDGE OUT DOWN AT THAT ROTAGILLA STUDIO AND GALLERY 19 CLINTON STREET. Stepping into the art gallery filled with rowdy and substance free patrons, my earplugs experienced good use as All The Rage blasted throbbing sound-waves through the air. The crowd surged with head-banging babes, and body-slamming boys (& gentlemen.) Could the crowd understand the vocalist's aggressive messages? Who cares! All The Rage energized all in attendance.

Local Troublemakers Release New Album!

This was recorded by the Bassist for some cat-obsessed band I can't remember the name of. Guitarist Alex Cribb reports that it was recorded using a "bunch of shit". Be sure to check these hooligans out at The ROTA Studios and Gallery on March  3rd, with some other local musicians! Here's the facebook link so you can invite all your friends and their grandmothers: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alright so I guess they didn't make a Facebook link yet; that's no reason not to go! If anything, it should be more of an incentive to go. Specialexperience blog will be on-site, don't you want to be just like specialexperienceblog?

Alex Cribb apparently plays bass in the band. We here at specialexpericeband have a strict non-retraction policy. So ALEX CRIBB, IT'S TIME TO START PLAYING GUITAR FOR TIRE FIRE, SPECIALEXPERIENCEBLOG MAKES NO MISTAKES.