Friday, September 30, 2011

SUNY Janitorial Employee Identifies Smelly Brown Matter

It was early on the morning [or "mañana"(in spanish)] of September 30, 2011, when a janitorial employee cleaning the Adirondack residence hall at SUNY Plattsburgh stumbled across a mysterious brown piece of matter on the floor of a first floor bathroom. She revealed to specialexperienceblog that she didn't know what it was initially. 

The employee continued down the hall to the janitor's closet to retrieve cleaning suplies, when she noticed more brown matter in the stairway. As she swept it up, she caught a whiff of the material in question, and at this point she was able to confirm it as feces of some sort. The resident assistant added that he had "never seen anything like this". 

It is typical for freshman dorms such as Whiteface to have trash and unwanted food thrown about, but a situation like this is surprising. It is unknown if the hair stuck to the turd in the photo belongs to the rouge-pooper. It is worth mentioning that the incident did not occur in the substance-free area of Adirondack Hall.

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: "It is my hope that the publication of this article deters any further disregard to the janitorial staff and residents of SUNY Plattsburgh."


  1. I almost stepped in that dookie! good thing I never leave the room with bare-feet

  2. He's back!
    The phantom shitter returns, to soil a doorstep near you..!
    In fact there was such a thing years ago, a person would defecate in public places like a comic book villain with his corny trademark right here in plattsburgh.

  3. This is sad, and makes me glad I live off campus. But most importantly, I wish students did keep in mind that people do have to clean this stuff up. How selfish of them.

  4. I lived in ADK for 3 years, and that's not the first time something like that has happened. The day one of those brown matters appeared IN the shower will always be remembered.

  5. It looks really really usefulness! Very clean and well thought-out. Congrats!!
    for janitorial services
    janitorial cleaning
